Categories: HVAC

Causes of Sewer Backup and How to Prevent Them

Everyone has incoming water lines and outgoing sewer lines in their homes. Unfortunately, these lines can sometimes suffer backups. So what causes a sewer backup? It happens when something blocks the wastewater in your home from reaching the sanitary sewer, after which the sewage can back up into your home. The job of sewer lines is to move the used water from your washing machine, bathtub,  sinks and toilets away from your house. The water will only back up into your home when the waste line is blocked. Once water waste moves back into your house, there’s a higher chance that it will cause water damage, mold growth and contamination. 

A-1 Comfort Care has provided local plumbing services since 1999. We ‘re happy to answer all of our clients’ questions and address  any plumbing problems they may have. In this post, we’ll discuss the causes of sewer backups, as well as prevention tips.


Causes of Sewer Backups

Floodwaters rapidly flow to the local sanitary sewage system, where there’s a bigger chance that the system merges with stormwater drainage. The water flow moves slowly, which can make wastewater back up into your home. Clogs rarely happen because the municipal drainage lines are wider than your home lines. However, there’s still a possibility that your home lines will clog. If you think that yours have clogs, contact our licensed plumbers who provide 24/7 emergency plumbing service. 


Old sewer lines made of clay or cast iron don’t last long. Fats, oils and grease turn solid as they cool, creating large globs. Sometimes these can cause physical blockages in your drain line. To avoid clogs, minimize pouring fats and oils down your drain. A poorly-designed drainage system will lead to more backups. In addition, a poorly-designed drainage system will lead to more backups. 


Tips to Prevent Sewer Backups

Dispose of your garbage properly to avoid clogs in your pipes. Learn what you can and cannot throw in your toilet bowl. Avoid pouring oil and greasy elements down your drain. Keep a trash can inside your bathroom to aid in practicing the proper disposal of garbage. 


A better drainage system will help you prepare for heavy rains. If you want to get new pipes made of smooth plastic, tree roots will grow around them. 


A-1 Comfort Care Heating, Cooling & Plumbing offers plumbing services,  air conditioning unit maintenance, repairs and tune-ups all year ’round.  Give us call at (732) 578-0379 or fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment. We serve clients in New Jersey, including Wall and Freehold.

Frank Obrien

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